Hollywood Elementary
2019 National Blue Ribbon School
Phone number
(304) 256-4590
Fax number
(304) 256-4579
Hollywood Motto:
I Like Myself.
I Will Be Responsible.
I Will Respect Myself and Others.
I Will Do My Best Work Today.
Hollywood Elementary is
Your Golden Ticket to Success!
School Schedule
Classes begin at 8:10 a.m. Students will have the opportunity to eat breakfast before the first class begins. Students who are brought by parents should not arrive before 7:40 a.m. Students who are picked up by parents will begin being dismissed at 2:45 p.m. Bus dismissals begin around 3:00 p.m. All students must be picked up by 3:15 p.m. If your child arrives after 8:05 a.m. you MUST walk your CHILD TO THE FRONT DOOR.
If your child is absent, you MUST provide the school with a written excuse within 72 hours of the students return.
Students are allowed TEN unexcused absences each year.
Parents may submit FIVE parent notes each semester.
Parent notes must be on a separate sheet of paper. DO NOT write these excuses in your child’s agenda.
Always submit doctor notes to school when your child returns from an illness.
Students exceeding the above guidelines will be reported to the Raleigh County Schools Attendance Director.
Participation in any school incentive activity may be dependent on a student’s number of tardy, early dismissal and/or absences.
Perfect attendance status may be jeopardized if tardy/early dismissal guidelines are not followed.
Tardies/Early Dismissals
Students arriving after 8:10 a.m. will be counted tardy. Students are marked tardy if they are not in their classroom and ready for instruction to begin at 8:10 a.m. If your child is tardy or signed out early, you MUST provide the school with a written excuse within 72 hours of the students return. Student dismissal begins at 2:45. Any student signing out before that time is considered an early dismissal.
Parents may submit FIVE parent notes each semester for tardy and/or early dismissals
Parent notes must be on a separate sheet of paper. DO NOT write these excuses in your child’s agenda
Always submit doctor notes to school when your child returns from an illness
Participation in any school incentive activity may be dependent on a student’s number of tardy, early dismissal and/or absences
Perfect attendance status may be jeopardized if tardy/early dismissal guidelines are not followed
We will begin dismissing students at 2:45 p.m. If you wish to pick your child up from school please use the assigned parent pick-up number and procedures to expedite the dismissal process. All students not riding a bus MUST be picked up before 3:20 p.m. If it is a necessity to pick your child up before the dismissal time, please sign your child out in the office. In the interest of student safety and an orderly and timely dismissal we ask that students not be signed out after 2:30 p.m. Dismissal is a hectic time for all at Hollywood Elementary.
Students going home with other students
Students will be permitted to go home with other students only if parents of both students send written permission forms. The students must present these notes to the office in the morning (to allow time for the approval process).
We believe that maintaining communication between the teacher and the parent is a very important requirement for students’ success in school. In order to accomplish this, we have required each student to use an agenda. We have found this to be very effective since students write down their assignments in the agenda booklets and take them home each day. The teacher can also write notes to parents and parents can write notes to teachers to maintain this two-way communication. This booklet should be the first thing you ask your child about when you discuss their day. We hope this will be helpful to you as a way to follow your child’s progress.
We must comply with the county medication policy that requires all medication be accompanied by a medication administration form (available in the school office) that has been completed by a doctor in order to administer medications at school. A copy of the Raleigh County Schools Medication Administration and Storage Policy can be found on the Raleigh county Schools webpage. NEVER send any type of medication with your child to school.
Accident Reports
If your child is injured while at school an accident report has to be completed. Accident reports have to be filled out. All accident reports are collected by Raleigh County Schools Safety Director.
Money and valuables
Students should not bring large amounts of money or valuables to school. The school is NOT responsible for electronic games, cell phones, music players, etc…. If any staff member, for any reason, confiscates a student’s cell phone at school it will be held in the office and will only be released to the students’ parent.
Report Cards
The grading scale will be as follows: | ||
A | 90-100 | Excellent |
B | 80- 89 | Above Average |
C | 70-79 | Average |
D | 60-69 | Unsatisfactory |
F | 0-59 | Failure |
Report cards will be distributed at the end of every grading period. This allows you to monitor your child’s progress. We also send mid-term reports home with your child. Parents can also monitor their child’s progress by visiting Schoology regularly. The school will provide each parent and student a login.
Principal's List/Honor Roll
Students will be recognized each grading period based on his/her academic success. Students receiving all “A’s” will earn the title “Principal’s List”. Students receiving all “A’s and B’s” will earn the title “Honor Roll”. These students as well as students who have “Perfect Attendance” for the grading period will be recognized.
Students in grades three, four, and five will be eligible to try out for our basketball, volleyball, or cheerleading teams. If a child makes one of the sports teams, he/she must maintain a 2.0 GPA and a C in conduct. Parents must provide a copy of the birth certificate and an up-to-date physical examination for their child.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parents can request a conference at any time during the child’s teacher’s planning period.
Visitor's Pass
We are asking each visitor to our school to sign in at the office in order to receive a stick-on badge to wear while they are in the building. We are doing this for the safety of all students and employees of Hollywood Elementary. If you plan on visiting the school, you will be asked to exchange a picture ID in the office for a visitor’s pass. Your picture ID will be returned to you upon your exit.
Supplies and Textbooks
The school District provides SUPPLIES and TEXTBOOKS. Textbooks are lent to the students for the school year. Parents are responsible for damage or lost books. ALL NEEDED SCHOOL SUPPLIES WILL BE PROVIDED FREE TO STUDENTS.
Homework or study at home represents an important part of the teaching learning process. This work is assigned to reinforce the teaching in the classes that day, it gives students practice and it allows the parents an opportunity to monitor their child’s progress thus helping to catch any difficulty that may occur early before a major problem exists.
School achievement is highly related to the students’ belief that education is valuable to them and that they accurately appraise their own strength to reach their performance goals. It appears that performance goals are heavily influenced by parents who ask their children about schoolwork performed better than children who do not talk with their parents about schoolwork.
Please refer to the Raleigh County Schools website for the complete copy of the homework policy.
Makeup Work Request
When your child is absent for 3 days ore more you may request makeup work to be prepared by the classroom teacher. However, you must allow 24 hours notice in order for materials to be organized in an appropriate manner.
Safe Schools Act
West Virginia’s Safe Schools Act prohibits such things as fighting, truancy, weapons, drugs and alcohol, and profanity at school. Some violations could result in a one-year expulsion from school. Please discuss this with your child and call the school if you need additional information.
School Crisis Plan
West Virginia State Code 18-9F-9 requires each county board to keep a current crisis plan for each school on file. Upon request, a redacted copy of a school crisis response plan shall be made available for inspection by the public with any information removed that is necessary for compliance with the necessary safeguards. Each school shall annually send notice home to all parents and/or guardians of students at the school alerting the parents and/or guardians to the existence of the plan and the ability to review a redacted copy at the offices of the county board. This posting in the student/parent handbook constitutes that notice. Any member of the public that wishes to see the redacted copy of any Raleigh County Public School’s Crisis Plan may visit the Raleigh County Board of Education, Superintendent Office, at 105 Adair Street Beckley, West Virginia or arrange an appointment to view the redacted document by calling 304-256-4500.
Students are not permitted to chew gum in our school. Students are permitted to have water bottles throughout the day. Water only is permitted.
Deliveries for students such as candy and flowers are not permitted. Parents will be notified to pick items up from the school at dismissal time if deliveries occur.
We will be serving the regular county lunch menu and offering salads daily. Students may select from either the county menu or the salad. In order to fulfill the U.S. Department of Agriculture requirements for a class A lunch, each student must take at least three (3) items, with a salad counting as one (1).
We will be serving Grab n Go breakfast this year. If your child wants extra milk or brings a lunch from home and wants milk, they will be charged. Extra milk costs 25 cents ($ .25). Please Have Correct Change for Milk Daily. One milk is included with a hot lunch and breakfast. Following is a list of prices:
Free/Reduced Lunch Forms are sent home with every student. If you do not wish to apply, please mark it with an “X”, sign and return to the school. If you did not receive an application, they are available upon request at the school office. Please fill this out immediately and return it to the school or mail it to the Food Service Department.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Ave. SW; Washington DC 20250-9410, or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD).
Student Dress and Appearance
At Hollywood Elementary students will not dress or groom in a manner that disrupts the educational process or is detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of others. A student will not dress in a manner that is distractive or indecent, to the extent that it interferes with the teaching and learning process, including wearing any apparel that displays or promotes behavior and/or items prohibited by RCBOE Policy D.3.22.
The following shall be considered and is not limited to inappropriate dress and appearance for students attending Hollywood Elementary:
Spaghetti Straps
Costumes or costume like outfits
Pajama pants
Midriff or overly exposure of any other part of the body
Ripped jeans with holes past the appropriate shorts/skirts length of midthigh
Caps or hats in school building and classrooms
Sunglasses inside the building, unless a medical permit is on file
Shorts and/or skirts, may not be worn that are shorter than mid-thigh (Grades 4-5)
Appropriate dress and appearance will be recognized and encouraged for all students attending pre-kindergarten through grade three
School staff and administration will take appropriate steps to correct and control these situations.
Students wearing inappropriate accessories shall remove or turn item inside out upon request. These accessories will be returned upon request by the parent at the end of the school day.
Should student fail to conform to the dress and appearance guidelines the school administration will conduct conference with parent(s), guardian(s) and student.
Flagrant and persistent violation of these guidelines beyond the first infraction shall result in the consideration of out of school suspension.
Hollywood Elementary Field Trip Guidelines
Purpose: Field trips should further develop concepts that are related to the learning in the students’ classroom. These trips are to be educational, not recreational.
Field trips should be related to educational subjects taught to their students within the school year. Due to safety concerns each field trip will be carefully planned. The school staff will consider safety when planning a trip.
Field trips are for the students at our school. Parents and families are not permitted to participate in classroom/school field trips. Safety, security and confidentiality is a priority on all field trips. Very few exceptions will be made for parents to attend with their child on a school field trip.
Participation: All students will be allowed to participate in all field trips offered by their respective classrooms. If there are transportation conflicts, parents will be notified and they may provide the necessary transportation.
Behavior: Any student that receives two Discipline Referral Forms (DRF) in a semester will not be allowed to participate in any incentive field trips scheduled during that semester in which the forms occurred. Any student that receives a suspension*, for any reason, will not be allowed to participate in any incentive field trips scheduled during that semester in which the suspension occurred.
Behavior/Conduct Grade
Hollywood Elementary will be using a colored “clip chart” to monitor behaviors and choices. Your child will have a clip that they will physically move up or down the chart, depending on their behavior and/or choices. Clips that are moved down may be moved back up if the teacher sees the student making improved choices. In addition, once a clip is moved up, it may be moved down. All clips start on green each day. Please keep in mind that your child may not move every single day.
Your child will record their daily color in their agenda. We believe this will be a positive way for our students to monitor their own choices and will give them behavior goals to strive for.
Every student will start the grading period with a conduct grade of 100%. At the end of the day, she/he will lose percentage points if their clip is below green. If your child is on or above green, no points are deducted or added to the grading period conduct grade. Points will continue to be deducted for the entire grading period. For example: On Wednesday, your child ends the day on yellow, she/he loses one point and his/her conduct grade is now a 99%. The following week she/he clips down to orange on Monday. She/he loses two more points and his/her conduct grade for the grading period is now a 97% and so on.
Reasons why a student might “Clip Down”:
Student didn’t have materials in order and wasn’t ready to work.
Student didn’t have agenda or homework sheet/folder present and signed.
Student didn’t have assignment present and complete.
Student didn’t leave in an orderly manner, with desk and chair in order.
Student didn’t move on school premises in a safe and orderly manner.
Student is being disrespectful and/or insubordinate.
Student didn’t follow teacher, staff, or school guidelines.
Reasons why a student might “Clip Up”:
Student is helping others.
Student is being kind to others.
Student is making good choices.
Student is being a “bucket filler”.
Student is working quietly.
Student is behaving appropriately in all situations.
Student is treating others the way they want to be treated.
Student is keeping hands, feet and objects to themselves.
Student is using self-control.
Student is being respectful to others when they are speaking.
Student is following all directions.
Student is not keeping others or themselves from learning.
“Clip Chart”
Colors and Descriptions
Please use the following graphic when discussing with your child about their behavior choices.
GOLD “Shooting Star” | This level is reserved for extraordinary behavior and will not be given out loosely.
SILVER “Awesome” | Student is continuing to make good choices throughout the day. Student is a role model for classmates.
BLUE “Great Job” | Students are making good choices, trying their best, and showing good character.
GREEN “Ready to Learn” | All students begin the day on “Ready to Learn”. This is acceptable level to stay at. Student did not get in trouble but they did not go above and beyond either.
YELLOW “Slow Down” | This level is a reminder to students that they need to follow the rules. One point will be deducted from their conduct grade for the grading period.
ORANGE “Make Better Choices” | Student is continuing to not follow the rules and two points will be deducted from their conduct grade.
RED "Principal Contact" | SEVERE BEHAVIOR or continued misbehaviors will result in five points being deducted from their conduct grade. Students at this level will meet with the principal and may result in a DRF and possible additional consequences. This is not an acceptable level for students to end the day on. |
The Raleigh County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Director of Pupil Services
Title IX and Title II Officer
105 Adair Street
Beckley, WV 25801