Common Questions Regarding WV Learns Virtual School Raleigh County Virtual School Option
Q: What is the difference between traditional school and Virtual School?
A: Virtual School is separate from their regular school. The teachers are located in Raleigh County and will provide weekly live sessions, tutoring sessions, and office hours to assist you. These courses are completely independent of any courses in the traditional school. For example, the standards in each course are the same as your traditional classes but they may use different materials.
Q: Is orientation for Virtual School required?
A: Yes. Per RCS Policy E.18 students are required to attend orientation. Orientations are offered every other Monday after the semester begins. Students will not be enrolled in Virtual School until orientation is complete. Students must also continue to attend face-to-face instruction until this requirement is complete. Waiting for Virtual School orientation is not an excused absence from face-to-face instruction.
Q: When does Virtual School start?
A: Virtual school begins the Tuesday after MLK Day.
Q: If I don’t like Virtual School, when can I leave?
A: You MUST complete the semester in Virtual School. You CAN return to the traditional environment at the semester change. You will need to complete an Opt-Out form.
Q: Do I provide internet service and a device for my Virtual School student?
A: The parent must have reliable internet and may provide their own device. If needed, Raleigh County will provide a device upon request.
Q: Is there a cost for me to send my child to Virtual School?
A: No, there are no additional costs for you. The parent is responsible for internet service.
Q: My student wants to play sports in a different attendance district than we live. Can they play for the other school?
A: Your student may play sports for the school in which he/she is enrolled following WVSSAC guidelines on eligibility requirements. Refer to WVSSAC guidelines for full details.
Q: Can my student work ahead in each class?
A: Yes, students may work ahead. It is always better to stay ahead and finish early than to get behind and not be able to finish. All incomplete assignments and exams are assigned 0’s.
Q: How do I get in touch with my child’s Virtual instructor?
A: On the front page of each course, you will see all instructor information, including their email address and phone number.
Q: Is Virtual School harder than the regular classroom?
A: The assignments are no more difficult than a regular class. All standards are met in assignments that have easy to follow directions.
Q: Will my students’ IEP/504 be met?
A: Absolutely, your local facilitator works with the instructor to ensure all accommodations and modifications of the IEP/504 are met.
Q: Why must I have an IEP/504 meeting prior to my application being accepted?
A: Some students require extensive adaptive and functional supports that cannot be replicated via technology. In these cases, the IEP team will fully explore the options available, and make a recommendation as to which setting the students is most likely to make meaningful progress toward their IEP goals.
Q: How will my students’ specially designed instruction be delivered?
A: The district will provide a special education teacher to deliver individualized designed virtual instruction.
Q: How will I attend IEP/504 meetings?
A: The district will make every effort to conduct meetings on-line. You may participate by phone, computer or alternate means as appropriate. In person meetings will be determined on an individual basis.
Q: Do Virtual Students have to take the District Standardized Exams?
A: Yes, they are required to take all District Standardized Exams. Your virtual teachers will keep you informed.
Q: Can my Virtual School student participate in activities like athletics, Honor Society, prom, graduation, etc.?
A: Yes, your student is still a member of Raleigh County Schools and can participate in their Home School activities.
Q: What about Vocational and Dual Credit Options?
A: Your student can attend Virtual School and still participate in ACT Programs and other Dual Credit Options.
Q: What type of schedule will my student have?
A: The course schedule is very similar to school.
Q: Will Virtual School affect College Admission?
A: No, the diploma for the Virtual School and the traditional school are the same.
Semester 1 |
Middle: |
English Math Science Social Studies Wellness Art or Music |
High: |
English Math Science Social Studies Elective Elective |
Semester 2 |
Middle: |
English Math Science Social Studies Computer Science Careers |
High: |
English Math Science Social Studies Elective Elective |