About Us
RCSD Projects
Teacher Resources
301 Park Avenue
Beckley, WV 25801
Phone: 304-256-4555
We are certified English Language Specialists for Raleigh County Schools.
We provide EL services for qualifying students across the county.
If we can be of assistance, please contact us by email or telephone.
Please make sure all home language forms (of those students needing screened) are sent to Melissa Ryan (maryan@k12.wv.us) within two days of a new student coming to your school. Place original home language forms in ALL students' permanent records
Rebekah Stanley Stover
Phone: 304-256-4555 ext. 7770
Robin Lilly
Phone: 304-256-4555 ext. 7770
Tammy Scarborough
Phone: 304-256-4555 ext.7791
e-mail: tscarbor@k12.wv.us