Safety and Loss Control

Kids holding a sign that says safety

Welcome to the Safety & Loss Control Department

The Safety & Loss Control Department's mission is to establish a safe environment for students, staff and community. It is our goal to create an atmosphere for achievement by instilling confidence in the safety of our schools.

About Us

The Safety & Loss Control Department takes an active role in identifying, evaluating and protecting the physical, financial and human assets of Raleigh County Schools. Activities include reviewing school and departmental safety and loss control procedures to avoid and prevent claims, purchasing insurance, and transferring risk through contracts.

The Safety & Loss Control Department collaborates with several administrative departments including Finance, Maintenance, and Personnel in order to provide integrated services.

For information, questions or assistance, please contact
Jennifer Colvin, Safety

304-256-4500 ext. 3355
Fax 304-256-4527


Jennifer Colvin

Phone: 304-256-4500 ext. 3355
Fax: 304-256-4527


Username=97400xxxx (EmployeeID)

  1. FERPA:  Confidentiality of Records

  2. Defensive Driving

  3. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Practices: Staff-to-Student

  4. Email and Messaging Safety

  5. Protection Against Malware

  6. Sexual Harassment: Student Issues & Response

  7. Suicide Awareness and Prevention


Login: Username = k12 email | Password = Raleigh! (only for initial login)

  1. ALICE Basic for Schools Certification