
Raleigh County Schools
Michelle Blankenship
Director of Elementary and Early Childhood Education
105 Adair Street
Beckley, WV 25801
Pre-K Applications can be either mailed to the address above or placed in the large brown mail box as you drive up to the RCS Board of Education located at 105 Adair Street, Beckley.
You will be notified by the school when your child has been placed. At that time, you will be advised as to what documents are required and when to bring them to the school. Please note that you may not hear anything until late August. The BOE will not have pre-k location information to give out over the summer.
Documents needed for pre-k registration include:
Updated Immunization Record
Health Check Form from your health care provider completed during the last 12 months
Dental Check completed in the during 12 months
Birth Certificate from the state Vital Registration Office
Social Security Card (Requested but not required.)
Required documents should NOT be submitted with the Pre-K Application. Teachers will contact you.
Children currently enrolled in Raleigh County Pre-K already have documents on file. If your child will be attending pre-k a second year, you will still be required to complete an application.

Pre-K Registration Information

Dates to Remember:
Dec. 20: No School: Professional Learning Day
Dec. 23-Jan. 6: No School: Winter Break
Jan. 17 : No School: Professional Learning Day
Jan. 20: No School: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Feb. 7: No School for Pre-K: Professional Development for Teachers
Feb. 26: No School: Professional Learning Day
March 6 & 7: No School for Pre-K: Professional Development for Teachers
March 21: No School: Pre-K Family Conferences
March 31 - April-4 : No School: Spring Break
April 7: Pre-K and K Application Window Opens
April 16: No School for Pre-K students
April 17: Pre-K Expo Day: No school for Pre-K students
April 18: 3 Hour Early Dismissal for all students
April 21: No School: OSE Day: Pre-K & Kindergarten Applications Due (Pre-K First Placements)
May 2: No school for Pre-K students
May 9: Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration: No school for Pre-K students
May 26: No School: Memorial Day
June 5: Last Day for Students

Click the picture below to join Mrs. Lowery on her Trip to Kindergarten!
Kindergarten Registration

K Dates to
Dec. 20: No School: Professional Learning Day
Dec. 23-Jan. 6: No School: Winter Break
Jan. 17 : No School: Professional Learning Day
Jan. 20: No School: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Feb. 26: No School: Professional Learning Day
March 31 - April-4 : No School: Spring Break
April 7: Kindergarten Application Window Opens
April 18: 3- Hour Early Dismissal for all students
April 21: No School: OSE Day: Kindergarten Applications Due
May 9: Kindergarten Registration
May 26: No School: Memorial Day
June 5: Last Day for Students
For questions or information:
Michelle Blankenship
Director of Elementary and Early Childhood Education
304-256-4500 ext. 3305

To register for kindergarten, children must be 5 years old before July 1.
To register your child, you will need to complete the Kindergarten Registration Form, to the left, and return it to your child’s home district school.
All children must register for kindergarten at their home district school. This is the district where you reside. No documents will be collected at this time. At a later date, parents will receive instruction from the school regarding drop off of documents.
Documents needed for kindergarten registration include:
Updated Immunization Record
Health Check Form from your health care provider completed during the last 12 months
Dental Check completed during the last 12 months
Birth Certificate from the state Vital Registration Office
Social Security Card (Requested but not required.)
2 Proofs of Physical Residency

Out of District Information
If you are requesting for your child to attend a school outside of your district, please complete the Kindergarten Application and return to your home school. Complete an Out Of District Form and provide to the principal of the school you are wishing for your child to attend. The administrator will review and submit that to the Assistant Superintendent. The application will be reviewed and either approved or denied based upon school enrollment. You and both schools will receive a decision letter during the month of August. Please be patient as you await the decision. Thank you.
We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
-George Bernard Shaw