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(Multi-Tiered System of Support)
Raleigh County Schools adheres to the guidelines and expectations set forth in state policy to meet the diverse needs of students in both academic and behavioral domains through the use of universal design for learning (UDL), differentiated instruction and targeted and intensive interventions. The mechanism by which this is accomplished is referred to as the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).
What is MTSS?
MTSS is a multi-step process of providing instruction and support to promote the academic and behavioral success of all children. Individual children’s progress is monitored and results are used to make decisions about further instruction and intervention. MTSS is most commonly used in addressing reading, math and behavior, but it can also be used in other areas. The MTSS process is flexible and designed by school districts to meet the needs of their students and typically has three tiers. Each tier provides differing levels of support.
In Level 1 (referred to as CORE), all students receive high quality curriculum and instruction in the general education classroom. The teacher assists all students.
In Level 2 (referred to as TARGETED), the school provides supplemental instructional support, usually in small groups, to students who need additional support for what they are receiving from the general curriculum.
In Level 3 (referred to as INTENSIVE), intense instructional support is provided to students with the greatest needs, with frequent progress monitoring.
In Level 1 (referred to as CORE), all students are explicitly taught positive behavioral expectations. All teachers use a consistent approach to discipline.
In Level 2 (referred to as TARGETED), the school provides supplemental targeted behavioral skill interventions usually in small groups.
In Level 3 (referred to as INTENSIVE), student centered planning is use.
MTSS Student Specific Letter PDF | Download
MTSS Curriculum Charts
MTSS Documentation
Behavior Tracker
(Student Assistance Team)
Consistent with WV Policy 2510, Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs, each public school must establish a SAT that consists of at least three persons, including a school administrator or designee, who must serve as the chairperson, a current teacher(s) and other appropriate professional staff.
The SAT is required to:
Receive training in referral procedures for multidisciplinary evaluations, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), alternative education placements, disciplinary procedures and other school processes as appropriate for ensuring student progress and maintenance of a safe school environment;
Collect and maintain data on the activities of the team, including dates of meetings and the results of its recommendations;
Conduct the problem-solving process that includes designing and monitoring implementation of interventions and/or reviewing interventions designed by other school teams;
Reviews individual students’ needs that have persisted despite being addressed through academic and/or behavioral supports;
Allow parents to review recommendations made by team regarding the child’s program and to provide feedback to the team about those recommendations;
Receive and process written referrals from outside sources suspecting a student may need special education, including referrals and requests for initial evaluations made by parents; and
Initiate initial evaluation for special education and related services for students, when warranted based on the outcome of interventions.
Raleigh County Schools requires all SAT plans to be reviewed at least once per semester.
SAT Timeline for Written Referrals Requesting Special Education Testing
5 School Days - Within 5 days of the written referral appropriate persons must be notified of the date, time, location and information needed for the meeting.
10 School Days - Within 10 days of the written referral the SAT must convene to review the areas of concern and determine future actions.
45 School Days - Within 45 days of the determined actions, review the established plan for effectivness.