The use of technology to support Special Education students

Assistive Technology currently in RCS



  • 12.9" iPads with enlarged Text and Screen Readers.

  • Braille Printer used for printing tests and worksheets.

  • Braille Typewriter - Perkins Brailler

  • Acrobat HD ultra LCD Screen that uses a camera to enlarge items for students to use at their desk. It is large and takes up room but it is convenient for the teacher and students.

Speech (AAC = Augmentative and Alternative Communication)

TD Snap AAC - App with pictures the students can sound out words or make sentences. Students use this to communicate with teachers and peers. Can be used on student's ipads or a stand alone device can be purchased from Tobii Dynavox.

What is AAC?
AAC is any form of communication used in addition to or instead of speech for people with a variety of disabilities. As a result, it is also sometimes referred to as assistive communication. It can consist of no technology, low-tech resources, or high-tech speech devices controlled with just a person’s fingers, eyes, or other body parts. Often, it consists of all three. AAC can be supported with symbols and text, or just text alone.


Find out more about AAC

