2025 ESY Schedule
Session 1 | Session 2 |
June 19, 2025, STAFF ONLY PREP DAY | |
June 23-27 | July 7-11 |
June 30 | July 14-18 |
July 1-3 | July 21, 2025, STAFF ONLY CLOSING DAY |
NO ESY JULY 4, 2025 |

What is Child Find?
Child Find is an activity that seeks to “locate, identify, and evaluate” children and youth, ages 3 through 21 years, who may have developmental delays or exceptionalities and may need special education and related services. In accordance with the local education agency IDEA has obligation to find children who may need special education and related services. Child Find activities, when conducted in the school, may include teacher observations, parent observation, and conferences to discuss your child’s strengths and may be conducted jointly among community partners such as West Virginia Birth to Three, local health departments, and Head Start. These activities may lead to a request for evaluation, a formal process designed to further explore your child’s needs and ways to assist your child. This process requires your consent. This evaluation process may ultimately result in a recommendation for your child to receive special education services.
If you have a concern, you can contact your local school or Raleigh County Office of Special Programs to gather more information about Child Find and the identification process. Parents of children not enrolled in public school may make a referral for evaluation directly to the district special education director.