Student Acceptable Use Policy Information
If your child(ren) did not receive an Chromebook during deployment, please complete steps 1-4. Click on the underlined text to access the information. After you have signed the Students Technology Acceptable Use Agreement and Technology Device Agreement, the device will be set up and given to the school to hand out to students.
If numbers 3 and 4 have not been completed, then you will not receive a device for your child. If you have more than one child, you will need to complete forms for each.
1. READ: iPad Policies for Parents
2. READ: Student AUP
(Steps 3 and 4 Digital Forms must be completed to receive a school issued device)
- Elementary School: Technology Acceptable Use Agreement Form
(grades K-5)
- Middle and High School: Technology Acceptable Use Agreement Form
(grades 6-12)
3. COMPLETE: Student Technology Acceptable Use Agreement
(Both parent/ guardian and the student will be required to sign for all grade levels)
4. COMPLETE: Student Technological Device Agreement
(Both parent/ guardian and the student will be required to sign for all grade levels)