Behavior Support Information
Raleigh County Schools believe that positive relationships and attitudes are essential to maximize student learning. The Raleigh County Office of Special Programs (OSP) is committed to a physically and emotionally safe environment that provides a productive learning atmosphere.
OSP has adopted student management procedures known as Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The main focus of PBIS is to provide a clear system for expected behaviors in all school settings. While many faculty and students may have assumptions of what is expected behavior, we cannot assume that everyone's beliefs are similar. Through PBIS, we work to create and maintain a classroom culture in which all community members have clear expectations and understandings of their role in the educational process.
Create a positive classroom culture
Create consistency
Strengthen family and community partnerships
Reduce office discipline referrals
Behavioral expectations are defined. A small number of clearly defined behavioral expectations guides the code of conduct. OSP Classrooms are expected to be Responsible, Respectful, and Resourceful.
Behavioral expectations are taught. The expectations of "Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Resourceful" are taught to all students in the building. Teaching appropriate behavior involves much more than simply telling student what behaviors they should avoid. Behavioral expectations are taught using the same teaching formats applied to other content areas. Students actively participate in a lesson that demonstrates both positive ("right way") and negative ("wrong way") examples. The following link to the behavioral expectations chart details the expected behaviors in each school setting.
Classroom Implementation Rubrics:
Supportive Environments
Classroom Design
Guidelines and Expectations
Reinforcement Systems
Student Notebook
Stride Academy
Positive Action
Lesson Plans (academic)
Lesson Plans (behavior)
Data Collection
Student Specific
Whole Group